
35 ¢
months ago ended

An organisation, that provides job in a TV show in big cities like Madrid and Sofia.

You'll travel to another country  to colaborate with the main TV shows and YouTube channels.

You must be at least 16 years old to work as a volunteer there. It is a volunteer job, so you'll be provided with finances.

You will lead TV shows, make YouTube videos to make money. It is kinda a volunteer job, but if you are good with it and people are watching your shows, then the money is yours :)

The main idea is that teenagers get the job they like in Social media and TV shows - the dream job of an ordinary 21. century's kid INSTEAD of studying in schools.

We need  thousand dollars to provide the colaborstors to come and visit our shows and to provides ourselves, a.k.a, The Team of ERASM-.

  • Šī ir FORMĀLA organizācija, jo mūsu mēŗķis ir nodrošināt studentiem darbu TV šovos un YouTube kanālos, lai nopelnītu naudu, līdz ar to viņi var darīt savu sapņu darbu sociālajos tīklos. Viņiem nebūs jāmācās skolās un universitātēs, bet ja tas būs vi;niem nepieciešams (ja skola to nosaka), tad viņem būs nodrošināti privātskolotāji, bet skolās nebūs jāiet.
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