
35 ¢
months ago ended

Sandija Saule

I love this idea. Really good. The description is also perfect. A lot of it is like a dream, to be in favour of youtuber or something similar. But do they have the time to attend school teachers?  But it's very nicee idea! 


Aleksandra Vecvagare

Rather interesting idea, I must say. It's not anything I'm 100% sure I'd like to do, but I'm sure that many other people would love to participate in this.
The description is reasonably well written, and everything seems to be planned out well. But, like any job, some basic knowledge of recording videos/editing them would be needed here. I feel like that should've been in the description, as well.
Also, I believe you are missing a slogan here.
Huh...And apparently, I will be able to ''volunteer'' for this, in just a few weeks.
Good luck :)


Kristers Straupenieks

Why your group name is "ERASM-"?

How I will finish school if I will work to this organization and I will don't have marks?

How you will get a people wathing your videos if they will be boring, who will make them?


Elizabete Bukante

The description is clean, easily understandable and manageable. I'm not really interested in this idea, and I don't really like the aim either. The planning of your organization is good and well put together. I must say that Youtube as a career is not easy, and not having any prior knowledge in video/audio editing and entertainment could cause some problems, whilst I know that this idea would gain a huge teenager following, I''m not fond of it. I would like to know how you are going to get Youtubers and/or Tv show hosts to support this cause. Great job though!


Nevena Unvollkommen

You have chosen an interesting, original and easy to memorize name for your organisation. You have created a very good and detailed description of the tasks of the volunteers, the criteria for applying, the way, in which you are going to achieve your aim, and the financial part of the project. :)

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