There is a great platform developed by an international team of educators from Latvia, Bulgaria, Italy and Turkey. It is a virtual game on crowdfunding strategies and startup skills which are the main business skills in 21st-century.
As startups have become one of the leading types of business nowadays this way of business thinking is relevant to develop within the educational system.
The startup thinking and crowdfunding game can be used to improve the business thinking in the background of the learning process.
The platform was approbated during the meeting in Latvia, where the students had to develop an advert for a real product and then vote for the best advert.
So far so good!
We have made several sessions showing how to use this platform, and seems like teachers are picking up the idea!
One of my favourite use of this platform is to use it as a class voting system. Give studens a time to prepare their works, then submit works in pitch, and see, who has the best idea! :)